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Tsunamis Earthquakes Volcanoes

Natural Hazards slide show.
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Natural Hazards Data, Images and Education

NCEI archives and assimilates tsunami, earthquake and volcano data to support research, planning, response and mitigation. Long-term data, including photographs, can be used to establish the history of natural hazard occurrences and help mitigate against future events.

The content and data referenced on this page will be moving. A permanent redirect will be put in place during the winter months of 2025. See link.


Data and Information
DMSP Special Projects (nighttime lights, fire detection and power outages)
Geothermal Energy
Storm Events (National Weather Service data)
Images and Posters
Global Tsunami Sources Poster: PDF / Other versions
Hawaii Historical Tsunami Effects (1812-2022) Poster
Hurricane 2017 Season Data at NCEI Poster
Natural Hazards Images
Shield Volcanoes of Hawaii Poster
Significant Earthquakes 2150 BC to AD 2023 Poster
Significant Volcanic Eruptions 4360 BC to AD 2023 Poster
Stratovolcanoes of the World Poster
Tropical Cyclone Images
Tsunami Sources Icosahedron
Educational Materials
Kid's Hazards Quiz
Science on a Sphere: Tsunami Datasets
Teachers Guide to Stratovolcanoes
Tsunami Events (1850 to Present) Time-Lapse Animation
Video: Ask a Scientist - Why have Tsunami Numbers Increased Since 1841?
Video: Tsunamis - How Researchers Investigate Tsunamis of the Past
   Download Global Tsunami Poster file
Tsunami Sources Poster