Revised Chronology of Neogene DSDP Holes from the World Ocean: Lazarus et al., 1995
The following table contains general information for each hole (Leg, latitude, longitude, etc.) and more specific information pertaining to this report (priority ranking of hole, age model (loc) version number (corresponding to the computer file name), number of age-depth plots included for each hole in Chapter 7). We have also included all hole specific comments in this table. Short comments are entered (in highly abbreviated form, to save space) in the table itself, longer comments are listed separately following the end of the table. Explanations of table coding conventions etc. are also given, as notes following the table.
Explanatory Notes for Summary Table
Latitude - Minus is South.
Longitude - Minus is West.
Pmag - Paleomagnetic stratigraphy data. Y - usable, at least in part; U - available, but uninterpretable; N - none available or not examined.
Priority - Rankings of range chart data for each fossil group as given by individual specialists. H - high; M - moderate; X - selected Hole (no differentiated ranking). Blank cells are low priority, due to poor data, no data, or better data from a nearby Hole.
Strat Events - Availability of biostratigraphic data for each fossil group. X - stratigraphic data for age model creation compiled and listed in Chapter 5 of this report; - no stratigraphic data available (group not preserved, no range chart published, etc.); * - stratigraphic data available but not used (see comments column X, and/or individual notes for Hole). D - diatoms, compiled by CSC; N - nannos, compiled by KPN or MPB; R - radiolarians, compiled by DBL; F - planktonic foraminifers, compiled by JPB or HH.
Rank - Rank for Hole is simple sum of how many fossil groups ranked Hole as H, M, or X. Thus Holes ranked 1 were of interest for only one fossil group, Holes ranked 4 were of interest for all 4 fossil groups.
LOC - Line of Correlation, or age model. Number is version number of loc file.
LOC Creation Date - In Month-Day-Year format, matching date given in upper right corner of age-depth plots in Chapter 7.
# Printed f. Report - Number of separate plots included for Hole in Chapter 7.
LOC Quality - Subjective ranking by senior author of reliability/accuracy of age model for Hole. E - excellent; G - good; M - moderate; P - poor; V -very poor; X - mixed (different depth intervals within hole with dramatically contrasting LOC quality).
Responsibility - Specialists responsible for initial compilation of stratigraphic data and creation of age model. All age models and plots with 'LOC creation dates' in 1994 were subsequently modified by the senior author. D - C. Spencer-Cervato; N - K. von Salis, M. Pianka Biolzi, or J. Bollmann; R - D. Lazarus; F - J. P. Beckmann or H. Hilbrecht.
RCs exist - Sources of range chart data. C - DSDP CD-ROM data file; O - ODP typed Excel range chart file; E - ETH typed Excel range chart file; X - misc./other source; (dash) - no source of range chart data known.
Comments - by the senior author. CD-ROM refers to NGDC produced DSDP CD-ROM of data originally compiled by the Scripps DSDP database group. 'Database' or 'db' refers to the Neptune database (Lazarus, in press).
Specific Notes on Individual Holes
Hole 213 - Diatom stratigraphy from Schrader, Leg 24.
Hole 289 - 1. Hiatuses inferred in this report at 320 and 395 mbsf cannot be resolved by strontium data of Hodell and Woodruff (1994): their data extends only from 350-715 mbsf, and is flat between 360-380 mbsf. 2. Scattered biostrat events at ~140 mbsf probably not a hiatus, just event calibration problems common to this time interval. 3. CM events (_13C wiggles) of Hodell and Woodruff (1994) given by them in their table 3, other than a couple events in earliest Miocene. These age estimates to Berggren 85 scale taken from their figure 2 correlation of Site 563 to Berg. 85 pmag ages. 4. Backman 1990 new N event calibrations are from Indian Ocean, may be diachronous in Pacific. But Back. 90 is calibrated to Berg. 85 pmag scale, so ok to plot both together as age error bars for N events. 5. T. carinatus event used by Hodell and Woodruff (1994) taken from Shafik Leg 30 Initial Report, but examination of original range chart indicates occurrence too discontinuous to trust, and thus not used here.
573B - This Hole was rotary drilled, there is no pmag in the pmag IR chapter.
588A - Three Holes: 588 (0-240 mbsf), 588A (240-340 mbsf), 588C (320-420 mbsf). Holes A and C have _13C and Sr stratigraphy, but problems with both prevent use. Calibration of Sr in E/M Mio gives up to 1 m.y. age different between Oslick 94 and Hodell and Woodruff 94. C event depths for the same Hole 289 (in mbsf) as given by Hodell and Woodruff (1994) and Woodruff and Savin (1991) differ by up to 10 m. Event CM3 may actually be CM1. Our compilation of the published 289 foraminifer stratigraphy does not match Woodruff and Savin's.
594 - Several pmag picks changed from published values:
IR value This report
T3N31 T3N3
BN1N2 B2N1
B3N4 B3AN3
T3AN1 T4N2
Also, rad event TSCPE (2.x Ma), changed to TSCcfPE (top Stichocorys sp. cf. peregrina, 4.2 Ma), based on Antarctic stratigraphy (see Legs 113, 119, 120).
606 - Strat synthesis chapter for Leg 94 lists somewhat different events than ours for each fossil group, but ok as loc is based on same pmag event list and interpretation.
608A - Diatom stratigraphy only available in upper, pmag controlled interval, so not used here.