National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Beaufort and Chukchi Seas - Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf
Data Announcement 82-MGG-10
Approximately 5,700 line km of 24-channel seismic reflection data
over the Continental shelf, slope, and rise in
the Beaufort Sea and the Continental Shelf in the Chukchi Sea
north of Alaska. The data were collected from the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) Research Vessel SAMUEL P. LEE from late
August through early October 1977.*
The seismic energy source consists of a tuned array of 5 airguns
with a total volume of 1,326 cubic inches of air compressed to
approximately 1,900 psi. Shots were fired every 50 m and the
group interval was 100 m. The survey was positioned by a Marconi-
integrated satellite-Doppler sonar navigation system. Record
lengths vary from 6 to 11 sec, depending on water depth, to
obtain data 6 to 7 sec below the seafloor. The USGS has provided
these data to the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) (now the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)) for
public dissemination.
* Tracklines of multichannel seismic-reflection data collected by
the U.S. Geological Survey in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas in
1977 for which profiles and stack tapes are available, by Arthur
Grantz, Dennis M. Mann and Steven D. May, USGS Open-File Report
1. Multichannel Common Depth Point data for 92 seismic sections
from 89 lines. Available in plastic sepia, paper sepia,
blackline, and 35-mm microfilm (Reel No. 1767).
2. Post-Plot Navigation Maps:
a. OFR 82-735 trackline. Available in plastic sepia, paper
sepia, and blackline.
3. Velocity analysis and scans - 3 reels of 16-mm microfilm:
Digital Navigation is available separately on magnetic tape
9-track, 1600 bpm, ASCII. This is also available on CD-ROM.
Digital Velocity - Time Pairs on magnetic tape
9-track, 1600 bpi, ASCII
Also available as printout
Reel No. 1777 - Lines 702-725
Reel No. 1778 - Lines 726-768
Reel No. 1779 - Lines 769-783