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Marine Geology and Geophysics.

World Data Service for Geophysics

The content and data referenced on this page will be moving. A permanent redirect will be put in place during the winter months of 2025. See link.


Marine Geophysics

All trackline geophysics sediment thickness
geophysical data viewer seismic reflection
marine and global gravity water column sonar
passive acoustic data

Marine Geology

All geosample data find geosamples (IMLGS)
access geosample data NOS seabed descriptions
crustal age grids ocean drilling data

Ocean Depths (Bathymetry) & Relief

All bathymetry & relief hydrographic surveys
coastal elevation models IHO DCDB
create custom grid international ocean mapping
ETOPO1, global grids multibeam bathymetry
fishing maps paleobathymetry
Great Lakes shorelines

Screenshot of Trackline Geophysical Data Viewer
Trackline Geophysical Data Viewer

Screenshot of Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples Viewer
Geosample Data Viewer

Screenshot of Bathymetry Viewer
Bathymetry Data Viewer