National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Data Announcement 84-MGG-01 Approximately 1,104-line km of 24-channel seismic reflection profiles for offshore California south of Point Conception. The profiles were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on the Research Vessel S.P. LEE during the fall of 1979 (USGS Open File Report 83-593).* A sound source of five airguns was used totaling 1,326 cu. in. The recording system consisted of a 24-group streamer, 2,400 m long and a GUS (Global :Universal Science) model 4200 digital recording instrument. Records were sampled at a 2-msec rate and later processed at a 4- msec rate. Navigational control for the survey was by satellite fixes augmented by Loran C (Rho-Rho) and Doppler-sonar bottom- track navigation. Navigation shot-point locations are available either as a hard-copy plot or on magnetic tape. The seismic reflection records vary from 8 to 12 sec in length depending on water depth and geologic structure. The data have been edited, stacked, deconvoluted, filtered, and graphically displayed on electrostatic plots. *"Multichannel Seismic Profiles Collected in 1979 in the Eastern Pacific Ocean off the California Coast south of Point Conception," D.M. Mann and J.K. Crouch, 1983 U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-593.