National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
University of Texas-Institute for Geophysics
(Formerly The University of Texas Marine Science Institute)
Western Gulf of Mexico
Data Announcement 84-MGG-13
Approximately 3,600 line-km of 12- and 24-fold multichannel
Common Depth Point (CDP) seismic reflection data for purchase for the Western Gulf of Mexico. The data
were collected in 1974 and 1975 by the University of Texas
Institute of Geophysics in cooperation with the Universidad
National Autonoma de Mexico during three cruises of the
University of Texas Research Vessel IDA GREEN as part of the
International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) program. The
data were gathered to define the geologic structure and history
of the area, particularly the origin and distribution of salt and
the evolution of the rocks underlying the salt, including the
ocean crust.* The project, titled "Multichannel Seismic
Investigation of the Sea Floor Mineral Resources of the Western
Gulf of Mexico," was sponsored by the National Science
Foundation. The University of Texas has provided these data to the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) (now the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)) for public dissemination.
Data were sampled and recorded at 4-msec intervals using a Texas
Instruments DFS 10,000 seismic system. The seismic source
consisted of 2 or 3 Bolt model MAG-4200 airguns having a capacity
of 1500 cu. in. per gun at a pressure of 500 psi. The hydrophone
array consisted of twenty-four 300-ft groups for a total length
of 8,000 ft. The multichannel data were supplemented by
continuous 3.5 kHz precision-depth recording with some 12-kHz
depth recording. A total of 6 seismic lines (27 sections) were
The seismic data are available as full-scale copies (scale: 2.5
in/sec). Navigation and other data are available on 35-mm
microfilm or magnetic tape.
* "Deep Seismic Reflection Results from the Gulf of Mexico,"
John W. Ladd, Richard T. Buffler, Joel S. Watkins, J. Lamar
Worzel, Geophysics Laboratory, Univ. of Texas, Marine Science
Institute, Galveston, Texas, and Arturo Carrana, Ceantro de
Ciencias del Narm y Limnologia, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
1. Common-Depth Point Seismic Data:
12- and 24-fold multichannel seismic data for 27
sections (full scale) available in plastic sepia, paper
sepia and blackline.
2. Other Geophysical Data:
3.5 kHz and 12 kHz profiler records and magnetic
profiles on 1 roll of 35-mm microfilm (No. 2098)
3. Merged digital navigation, magnetics and bathymetric data are
available in MGD77 format on 1 magnetic, 9-track, 1,600 bpi,
ASCII. This is also available on CD-ROM.