National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Multichannel Seismic-Reflection Profiles
Western Florida Shelf
USGS Open File Report 87-372*
Data Announcement 88-MGG-03
Approximately 1,500 km of multichannel seismic-reflection
data are available for purchase from the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) (now the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)) for the western Florida shelf. These data
were collected on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) R/V GYRE
October 19, 1982. The USGS, Department of Interior has made
these profiles available for public dissemination.
The multichannel seismic-reflection system consisted of a
1.200-m streamer, a Texas Instruments Digital Field system, a DFS-
V recorder, and a Bolt 500-cu. in. airgun. The gun was
positioned 15 m off the stem and the near-phone section was 230 m
astern. The shot-point interval was 25 m. The streamer was
composed of alternating and inactive segments, each 50 m long.
Twenty-four fold data were recorded for 4 sec in SEG-B format.
The quality of the seismic records is good to 2 sec.
Navigational control was provided by the USGS integrated
navigation/gravity system built around a Western Geophysical,
Inc. Survey and Data Management System. The Western system uses
data from 6 navigation sensors.
*M.M. Ball, N.K. Soderberg, D.R. Nichols, T.F. O'Brien, J.E.
Dodd, and B.J. Irwin, (Woods Hole, Mass 02543: "Multichannel
Seismic-Reflection Profiles collected in 1982 aboard R.V. GYRE,
Cruise G82-12 on the western Florida Shelf, "U.S. Geological
Survey, Office of Energy and Marine Geology, Woods Hole, MA
Seismic Profiles (11 lines, 31 sections)
(plastic sepia) Product #976F20159
(paper sepia) Product #976F19159
(blackline) Product #976F18159
Magnetic Tape(s) Product #976H07159
CD-ROM Product #129F27001
Trackline Chart Product #976H18159