National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Great Lakes-Project GLIMPCE
USGS Open File Report 88-401
Data Announcement 88-MGG-07
Eight seismic-reflection profiles (24- to 30-fold) across
the midcontinent rift system in Lake Superior, Lake Huron, and
Lake Michigan for purchase from the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) (now the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)). The profiles were collected in
September 1986 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the
Geological Survey of Canada under contract as part of the Great
Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal
Evolution (GLIMPCE). The USGS has provided these data to NGDC (now NCEI) for public dissemination.
During the seismic reflection survey, 120-channel data were
recorded to 20 sec at a 4-ms sample rate. The system utilized a
3,200-m streamer configured with a 70-airgun tuned array, and had
a capacity of 7,800 The data were processed and F-K
migrated using a standard processing sequence that included
deconvolution before and after stack and dip filtering in the
shot domain to suppress multiple reflections. Primary navigation
was by satellite, sonar, and gyro. Secondary navigation included
Loran C and range/range. The horizontal scale of the sections is
1 in. = 1250 m with a vertical scale of 1.5"/sec.
* Behrendt, John C., and Green, Alan**, "GLIMPCE 1986
Multichannel Seismic-Reflection Profiles in the Great Lakes",
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-401, Denver, CO
** Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada KIA OE8
DATA AVAILABLE (please refer to 9-digit product numbers when
8 seismic profiles (24 to 30 fold) 8 sections
(plastic sepia) Product #976F20165
(paper sepia) Product #976F19165
(blackline) Product #976F18165
11 Trackline Charts (scale: 1:250,000)
(plastic sepia) Product #976A20265
(paper sepia) Product #976A19165
(blackline) Product #976A18165
8 stacked magnetic tapes (SEG-Y 6250 bpi). Product #976L07165.
1 magnetic tape - bathymetry and digital shot-point navigation (9-
track, 1600 bpi, ASCII). Product #976H07165. This is also
available on CD-ROM, Product #129F27001.