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11.C. Elevation Data File Sizes, Regional Extent, and Statistics

Table 3 (below) lists the name, latitude and longitude extent, elevation statistics, and file sizes for each tile. There is no overlap among the tiles so the global data set may be assembled by abutting the adjacent tiles.

Table 3. Tile Definitions
         Latitude    Longitude      Elevation      Data Grid
Tile    Min.  Max.   Min.  Max.    Min.*  Max.    Columns Rows 

A10G    50     90   -180    -90      1    6098    10800   4800
B10G    50     90    -90      0      1    3940    10800   4800
C10G    50     90      0     90    -30    4010    10800   4800
D10G    50     90     90    180      1    4588    10800   4800
E10G     0     50   -180    -90    -84    5443    10800   6000
F10G     0     50    -90      0    -40    6085    10800   6000
G10G     0     50      0     90   -407    8752    10800   6000
H10G     0     50     90    180    -63    7491    10800   6000
I10G   -50      0   -180    -90      1    2732    10800   6000
J10G   -50      0    -90      0   -127    6798    10800   6000
K10G   -50      0      0     90      1    5825    10800   6000
L10G   -50      0     90    180      1    5179    10800   6000
L10B** -50      0     90    180    -34    5179    10800   6000
M10G   -90    -50   -180    -90      1    4009    10800   4800
N10G   -90    -50    -90      0      1    4743    10800   4800
O10G   -90    -50      0     90      1    4039    10800   4800
P10G   -90    -50     90    180      1    4363    10800   4800

                    DEM                     Source/Lineage
Tile    Uncompressed   GZIP-         Uncompressed   GZIP-
                       Compressed                   Compressed

A10G 103,680,000    20,370,257    51,840,000     257,343
B10G    "              18,015,073    "              340,035
C10G    "              24,828,988    "              210,981
D10G    "              32,135,119    "              127,663
E10G 129,600,000    17,219,976    64,800,000     128,890
F10G    "              19,023,189    "              295,485
G10G    "              59,344,125    "              379,860
H10G    "              27,900,726    "              310,809
I10G    "                 165,338    "               71,873
J10G    "              21,249,443    "              195,611
K10G    "              16,203,482    "              159,950
L10G    "              11,620,467    "              250,180
L10B*   "              14,374,075    "              247,682
M10G    103,680,000     6,145,507    51,840,000      66,737
N10G    "               8,521,834    "              109,433
O10G    "               9,071,477    "               59,916
P10G    "               9,247,141    "               67,790

* Note: This "minimum" shows the minimum elevation on land. Every tile contains values of -500 for oceans, with no values between -500 and the minimum value for land noted here.

** Note: This tile contains the AUSLIG/NCEI DEM, and is the only GLOBE Version 1.0 tile containing enhanced/restricted B.A.D. data.

Also NOTE: If using a UNIX workstation, Apple Macintosh or some other computer, your file names may appear in lower case after reading files from the CD-ROMs or Web site.


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