11.F.i. Information About GeoVu Headers and Associated Files GeoVu is deprecated and no longer supported, please use another format. All GeoVu header files have a .hdr extension. Listed below is the GeoVu header file a10g.hdr. file_title = Tile A Elevation number_of_display_colors = 256 palette = TOPO_LAND_256 data_type = image data_byte_order = little_endian upper_map_y = 90.0 lower_map_y = 50.0 left_map_x = -180.0 right_map_x = -90.0 number_of_rows = 4800 number_of_columns = 10800 grid_size(x) = 0.00833333 grid_size(y) = 0.00833333 grid_unit = degrees grid_origin = upperleft_x grid_cell_registration = upperleft map_projection = lat/lon elevation_unit = Meter missing_flag = -500 elevation_max = 8752 elevation_min = -432 comment1 = actual elevation max = 6098 comment2 = actual elevation min = 1 Note that all of the GeoVu elevation header files have the same maximum elevation of 8752m and minimum elevation of -432m. The actual maximum and minimum elevations for the file are also listed as comments at the end of the header file. This was done to standardize the display colors for all 16 elevation files. The GeoVu header files are stored in the /data/elev/geovu/hdr and /data/source/geovu/hdr directories of GLOBE Volume 1 and the GLOBE Web site. Format files are also required for accessing the data with GeoVu. GeoVu format files have a .fmt extension. They are stored in the /data/elev/geovu/fmt and /data/source/geovu/fmt directories. If you are accessing the data from the CD-ROMs, you will need the GeoVu menu files. They are stored in the directory containing the GeoVu installation files for your particular platform. For example, the menu files for the PC are found in the software/geovu/pc directory. If you are accessing the data from the CD-ROMs using a GeoVu menu file, you do not need to copy the header or format files onto your local machine. If you downloaded the data from the GLOBE Web site, therefore are not using a GeoVu menu file, you must copy the header and format files to the same directory as the data file. Color palette files are provided for viewing the data in GeoVu. The files are stored in the /data/elev/geovu/pal and /data/source/geovu/pal directories. If you are accessing the data from the CD-ROMs using a GeoVu menu file, you need to copy the globe1.lst palette file from GLOBE Volume 1 to the GeoVu directory on your local machine. If you downloaded the data from the GLOBE Web site, therefore are not using a GeoVu menu file, you need to copy the geopal.lst to the GeoVu directory on your local machine. This file supersedes the geopal.lst that is included with the GeoVu installation files.