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11.F.ii. Information About Idrisi Headers and Associated Files

Section 11.G.v describes how to import GLOBE data into the Idrisi geographic information system.

Listed below is the Idrisi 4.x and Idrisi-for-Windows header file a10g.doc. Idrisi normally requires its header files to have a .doc file extension, unless you have modified this information in your Idrisi.env file.

        file title      :       Tile A Elevation
        data type       :       integer
        file type       :       binary
        columns         :       10800
        rows            :       4800
        ref. system     :       lat/long
        ref. units      :       deg
        unit dist.      :       0.0083333
        min. X          :       -180.0000000
        max. X          :       -90.0000000
        min. Y          :       50.0000000
        max. Y          :       90.0000000
        pos'n error     :       unknown
        resolution      :       unknown
        min. value      :       1
        max. value      :       6098
        value units     :       meters
        value error     :       unknown
        flag value      :       -500
        flag def’n      :       none
        legend cats     :       0

The Idrisi header files are stored in the /data/elev/idrisi/doc and /data/source/idrisi/doc directories of GLOBE Volume 1 and the GLOBE Web site.

Color palette files are provided for viewing the data in Idrisi. Palette files with .pal extensions are ASCII files which may be used in Idrisi-for-DOS or Idrisi-for-Windows. They are stored in the /data/elev/idrisi/pal and /data/source/idrisi/pal directories. Palette files with .smp extensions are binary files usable only in Idrisi-for-Windows. They are stored in the /data/elev/idrisi/smp and /data/source/idrisi/smp directories.

Idrisi header and palette files should be placed in the same directory as the binary data.


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