11.F.iii. Information about GRASS Headers and Associated Files Section 11.G.vi describes how to import GLOBE data into GRASS. Listed below is an example of a GRASS header file (a10g). proj: 3 zone: 0 north: 90N south: 50N east: 90W west: 180W cols: 10800 rows: 4800 e-w resol: 0:00:30 n-s resol: 0:00:30 format: 1 compressed: 0 The GRASS header files are stored in the /data/elev/grass/cellhd and /data/source/grass/cellhd directories of GLOBE Volume 1 and the GLOBE Web site. Color palette files are provided for viewing the data in GRASS. These files are stored in the /data/elev/grass/colr and /data/source/grass/colr directories. In GRASS, the header files should be placed in your "cellhd" directory (parallel to the "cell" directory containing the data). The palette files should be placed in your "colr" directory (parallel to the "cell" directory containing the data). In addition, a fuller GRASS directory structure (containing cellhd, colr, and associated files) is available to facilitate use of GLOBE data in GRASS (see Section 11.G.vi). That directory structure is stored in the identical /data/elev/grass/grasstar/ and /data/source/grass/grasstar/ files on GLOBE Volume 1 and the GLOBE Web site. The process for importing GLOBE data into GRASS, described in Section 11.G.vi, can be automated by scripting the procedure. A sample script is provided in the /data/elev/grass/script/ directory.