Welcome to the web site for solar observatory links of the Working Group for International Data Access of the Division II
(The Sun and Heliosphere) of the International Astronomical Union.
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) Division II (The Sun and Heliosphere)
initiates Working Groups when it sees a need in the astronomical community.
Three Working Groups now exist: WG on Solar Eclipses, on Solar Interplanetary
Nomenclature, and for International Data Access. The WG for International Data Access
was initiated to study the archiving, retrieval and distribution of solar
data. The immediate reason is consideration on the future of the Quarterly
Bulletin on Solar Activity (QBSA), which has been supported by the IAU for many
years. The need for a review of existing means of data distribution is obvious in
view of the revolution in digital data storage and communication. The intent of
the WG is to survey the existing and growing data exchange through the Internet
and to propose guidelines at an international level. The existing structures at the
national levels should not be replaced nor duplicated.
While several tasks have been identified, one task is to find available data from
the various observatories and satellites. This web site provides links to
observatories and satellites, with emphasis on synoptic observing programs.
Bernhard Fleck, with Kevin Reardon, has compiled an extensive listing of solar
synoptic observatories by type of observation: (1.) Full Disk H-alpha/White Light;
(2.) Full Disk Ca K; (3.) Full disk He 1083.0 nm; (4.) Coronal Maps; (5.)
Magnetograms. See ARTHEMIS and Arcetri Web site.
We have added solar radio data link information and satellite data link information.
Several web sites have helped tremendously in this effort. These include ARTHEMIS,
Big Bear Solar Observatory, Junho Shin's Links for Solar Physics Junho Shin's Links for Solar Physics, etc.
More work will be done to explore other web sites with useful information.
Educational links may be added in the near future.
We apologize for any observatory missing from the list and ask that they contact us
with their relevant information to be added to this listing. Contact
- Abastumani, Georgia
- Alfred University
- Alma Ata, Russia
- Baikal, Russia
- Big Bear, California, USA
- Bohyunsan, Korea
- Bucuresti, Romania
- Catania, Italy
- Coimbra, Portugal
- Culgoora, Australia
- Debrecen, Hungary
- H-alpha Solar Telescope for Argentina (HASTA)
- Hida Domeless Solar Telescope, Kyoto University, Japan
- High Altitude Observatory
- Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center
- Holloman, New Mexico, USA
- Huntsville MSFC, USA
- Huairou/Beijing, China
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
- IZMIRAN, Russia
- Kandilli, Turkey
- Kanzelhohe, Austria
- Kharkov, Ukraine
- Kislovodsk, Russia
- Kodaikanal Observatory, India
- Larissa Observatory
- Learmonth, Australia
- Lockheed Martin - Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
- L'vov, Ukraine
- Marshall Space Flight Center
- Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Mees, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Meudon, France
- Mitaka Solar Observatory, NAO Japan
- Mount Wilson, California, USA
- Ondrejov, Czech Republic
- Palehua, Hawaii
- Pic du Midi, France
- Prairie View Solar Observatory, Texas
- Ramey, Puerto Rico
- Rome Observatory, Italy
- Sacramento Peak (National Solar Observatory),
New Mexico, USA
- San Fernando Solar
- San Vito, Italy
- Sayan, Russia
- Solar Optical Observing Network SOON
- Sonora Solar Observatory
- Smoljan, Bulgaria
- Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Uccle, Belgium
- Udaipur Solar Observatory, India
- Urumqi, China
- Watukosek, Indonesia
- Wroclaw, Poland
- Abastumani, Georgia
- Alma Ata, Russia
- Big Bear, California, USA
- Coimbra, Portugal
- Huairou/Beijing, China
- Kharkov, Ukraine
- Kislovodsk, Russia
- Mees, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Meudon, France
- Rome Observatory, Italy
- Sacramento Peak (National Solar Observatory),
New Mexico, USA
- San Fernando, California, USA
- Kislovodsk, Russia
- Lomnicky Peak, Czech Republic
- Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Mees, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Mirror Coronagraph for Argentina (MICA)
- Norikura, Japan
- Ondrejov, Czech Republic
- Pic du Midi, France
- Sacramento Peak (National
Solar Observatory), Sunspot, New Mexico, USA
- Smoljan, Bulgaria
- Big Bear, California, USA
- Crimea, Ukraine
- Holloman, New Mexico, USA
- Huairou/Beijing, China
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Izana, Tenerife
- IZMIRAN Heliophysical Laboratory, Russia
- Kitt Peak (National Solar Observatory),
Tucson, Arizona, USA
- Learmonth, Australia
- Marshall Space Flight Center
- Mees, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Mitaka, Japan
- Mount Wilson, California, USA
- Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, Japan
- Ondrejov, Czech Republic
- Palehua, Hawaii
- Potsdam, Germany
- Ramey, Puerto Rico (closed 2003)
- San Fernando, California, USA
- San Vito, Italy
- Sayan Mountain, Russia
- Wilcox, Stanford, California, USA
- Beijing, China
- Berne, Switzerland
- Bleien, Switzerland
- Brazilian Solar Spectroscope, INPE
- Crakow, Poland
- Crimea, Ukraine
- Culgoora, Australia
- Gorky, Russia
- Havana, Cuba
- Hiraiso, Japan
- Huancayo, Peru
- Humain, Belgium
- Irkutsk, Russia
- Itapetinga Radio Observatory, Brazil
- IZMIRAN, Russia
- Kislovodsk, Russia
- Learmonth, Australia
- Nancay, France
- Nobeyama, Japan
- Ondrejov, Czech Republic
- Oporto Radiospectrograph
- Owens Valley Solar Array
- Palehua, Hawaii
- Penticton, Canada
- PHOENIX Radio Spectrometer
- Potsdam, Germany
- RATAN 600 Radiotelescope
- Sagamore Hill, Massachusetts, USA
- San Vito, Italy
- Siberian Solar Radio Telescope
- Solar Radio Burst Locator
- Torun, Poland
- Trieste, Italy
- Trieste Solar Radio System, Italy
- Upice, Czech Republic