Location: Alaska, USA
Latitude and Longitude: 61.3 ºN 152.25 ºW,
Elevation: 2309 m (7576 ft)
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Earliest Eruption: 4050 BP
Oldest Historic Eruption: 1953 VEI
= 4
Most Recent Eruption: 1992, VEI = 4
Number of Eruptions in 20th Century: 3
Largest Eruption: 1953, VEI = 4 1992, VEI = 4
Notable Feature(s): In the 1992 eruption, large volcanic bombs
traveled up to 4 km (2.4 mi) from the crater. The size of these blocks
and bombs ranged from 10 cm (4 in) up to 2 m (6.6 ft).
Notable Statistic: Large bombs up to 2 meters in diameter