11.F.iv. Information About Arc/INFO (and ArcView) Headers and Associated Files
Section 11.G.viii describes how to import GLOBE data into Arc/INFO.
Listed below is the Arc/INFO (and ArcView) header file a10g.hdr. Note: Arc/INFO and ArcView use the same header and palette files. BYTEORDER I LAYOUT BIL NROWS 4800 NCOLS 10800 NBANDS 1 NBITS 16 BANDROWBYTES 21600 TOTALROWBYTES 21600 BANDGAPBYTES 0 NODATA -500 ULXMAP -179.995833333 ULYMAP 89.995833333 XDIM 0.00833333 YDIM 0.00833333 The Arc/INFO (and ArcView) header files are stored in the /data/elev/esri/hdr and /data/source/esri/hdr directories of GLOBE Volume 1 and the GLOBE Web site. Color palette files are provided for viewing the data in Arc/INFO and ArcView. ArcView palette files have a .clr extension. In Arc/INFO one specifies the name of a palette file. The same palette files can be used in both ESRI products. The color palette files are stored in the /data/elev/esri/clr and /data/source/esri/clr directories. The Arc/INFO (and ArcView) header and palette files should be placed in the same directory as the binary data file.