11.G.ix. Importing into ESRI's ArcView
An Arc/INFO coverage created using the procedure described in Section 11.G.viii can be displayed in ArcView. In addition, the GLOBE data and source/lineage files (GUNZIP decompressed) can be displayed after renaming the
file by adding a .bil extension. Importing the northwestern tile of GLOBE (file a10g) in ArcView is presented as an example.
Copy the a10g.hdr (Arc/INFO ASCII header file described in Section 11.F.iv, a10g.clr (Arc/INFO palette file described in Section 11.F.iv). and
a10g (binary elevation data) files into your ArcView working directory. Rename the file a10g to a10g.bil. You should now have the following files in your ArcView working directory: a10g.bil, a10g.hdr, and
Start ArcView. You should either open an existing project with a view in a geographic (latitude-longitude) projection, which covers the area(s) you want to work with; or start a new view. If you start a new view, choose Properties from the View
pulldown menu. In the View Properties window, click on the Projection button and select Projections of the World as the Category and Geographic as the Type. Click OK in the View Projections window. In the View
Properties window select Kilometers or Miles as the Distance Units. Click OK.
Add the a10g.bil file to the View as an Image Data Source theme. After you add the a10g.bil image, your project should show the data file in your legend. To display the a10g.bil theme in the View window, click on
the raised box to the left of the theme name (a10g.bil) to make a check mark. Un-"check" all other data that you may have in this project.
ArcView does not correctly interpret negative values. Therefore, the zero and negative values are all displayed as black. The values in the image displayed cannot be queried with ArcView, unless you have the ArcView extension Spatial Analyst.
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