11.G.iv. Importing into NGDC's GeoVu
GeoVu is deprecated and no longer supported
The CD-ROM version of GLOBE data, as well as data obtained from the GLOBE Web site, are accessible with NGDC's GeoVu utitility. This utility may be useful for browsing, viewing, subsetting, and reformatting the data. Software and documentation
are provided for Apple Macintosh, IBM-compatible PCs, and Sun and Silicon Graphics UNIX workstations.
11.G.iv.a. Accessing GLOBE Data on the CD-ROM
GeoVu can be found in the /software/geovu directory of GLOBE Volume 1.
You may want to print documentation found in the software/geovu/documnt directory. Read the readme.1st file in the directory for an overview of the documentation enclosed in that directory. Then go to the directory designated for your computer
system of choice (for example, PC). In that computer system-related directory, read the readme.1st file, and follow its directions for installing and running GeoVu.
Importing and displaying the northwestern tile (a10g) with GeoVu is presented as an example.
First, install GeoVu. Next copy the GLOBE GeoVu color palette file (globe1.lst) and GeoVu menu files (globe1_1.men, globe1_2.men, globe1_3.men, and globe1_4.men) to your GeoVu directory. The color palette and menu files (described in Section 11.F.i) are found in the directory containing the GeoVu installation files for your particular platform. For example, the palette and menu files for the PC are found in the software/geovu/pc directory.
Insert GLOBE Volume 1 into the appropriate CD-ROM drive.
Start GeoVu. From the GeoVu screen, select File/Set Data. In the Main List of Data Sources screen that appears, highlight GLOBE 1.0 1999, Northern Hemisphere, 1 of 4 and enter the CD-Drive letter and click
An introduction screen will then appear. After reading the information click >>Next. In the Main Menu that appears, highlight Data: Tile A(50-90N, 90-180W) and click OK to display the file with the default options.
In addition to displaying the file with the defaults, you can also specify a subset of the region and/or select a different color palette. The option to write to disk is also provided. To specify a subset of the region, select
Search/Create. A Data Source Selections screen will appear. Highlight Tile A Elevation and click OK. An Image Search Parameters screen will appear. Click on Set Search Parameters Limits to change the region.
Click OK to display the subset of the tile.
11.G.iv.b. Accessing GLOBE Data Obtained from the GLOBE Web Site
The GLOBE Web site contains links to GeoVu support files for online GLOBE data, as well as to GeoVu software. To
access a GLOBE data tile with GeoVu, you will need a header file, a format file, and a color palette file (all described in Section 11.F.i). All of these associated GeoVu files are available on the GLOBE Web site.
Importing and displaying the northwestern tile (a10g) with GeoVu is presented as an example.
First, install GeoVu. Next, copy the geopal.lst file from the GLOBE Web site to your GeoVu directory. This file supersedes the geopal.lst file included in the GeoVu installation files.
Download the GLOBE data and the associated header and format files to the same directory (a different directory from the GeoVu directory). For example, copy the a10g data tile, a10g.fmt, and
a10g.hdr to the same directory.
Rename the data file, a10g, to a10g.bin.
To display the file a10g.bin, start GeoVu. From the GeoVu screen, select File/Set Data/Other Disk Files and then click OK. A dialog box will appear that allows you to navigate to the a10g.bin
file. After selecting the a10g.bin file, select Search/Create. An Image Search Parameters screen will appear. Click OK to display the file with the default options. In addition to displaying the file with the
defaults, you can also specify a subset of the region and/or select a different color palette. The option to write to disk is also provided.
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